Thursday, June 29, 2006

Saved for now

Looks like the Net Neutrality was defeated so far by a tie.. All that means is they get to keep voting on it until it's hiden so well into a bill. That's when it's hidden so good that we end up voting a save the dolfins act into play not realizing "Oh yeah the net now belongs to SBC and Verizon."

Though the good new's is we are ok for now....

EQ Progression

EQlive and the new progressive servers were a quick hit as with most new servers I’ve joined. There were tons of newbs and then there were even more returning vets like me who were really newbs. If you think you remember EQ1 think again and then rethink everything you just thought.

I started a few different newbs just to get the hang of messing around in the old stomping grounds of Felwithe, Kelethin, and Halas. It took me hours just to get the hang of the way EQ1 runs again and that in and of itself was a blast. I’ve yet to figure out how to create hot keys since they way I use to do, have totally changed. One good change is that you can open more hotkey banks unlike just the original 10. There is also an option EQ button for options that didn’t use to exist, this is still somewhat confusing. There is a Quest book sort of and I headed off to do some old quests and they didn’t show up in the book so I’m still unfamiliar as to how the quest book works. Though the turn in of Quests are the old way I enjoy vs. the EQ2 way of auto updates you actually have to collect the said items in your inventory and trade them over to the NPC. Yes granted EQ2’s auto update fulfill the bottle necking of some quests it’s just not as immersive in the sense of accomplishment.

As far as the upgrades to NPC’s they are nice, I seen a treant type creature in Faydark that would fit very well in EQ2 much less EQlive. The orcs are a lot less blockier and the Bats, wolfs, skellys are more to my liking then they were even just 3 years ago. Though the old SOL graphics are just something I’ll have to get over if I continue to peruse the land of Norath in the original Everquest. The character models jump less heartily and run more or less the way I remember, like an invalid on crack but I Love it… and hey EQ was never about the graphics and more about the adventures and community now wasn’t it?

Through my 4 hour extent of play time I did have to say it was very adequate in fun and intrigue even though I still know my way around I’m very curious as to the world around me. I really hit me when I found out my old swamp as a Froglok has turned into the Rathe Mt. which was a huge surprise to me and one I wasn’t to happy with since I really don’t know the lore behind EQ1 (Can’t play Frogloks on the Prog servers, I logged an old character on my account) . Though in EQ2 the lore said they hide very deep inside Guk in order to escape those who pursed to destroy them. So I’m unsure how they are stuck in Rathe or if it’s just a lead up to the future of Norath pre-Luclin explosion. (Now that would be an Expansion to see)

Overall I believe this to have the makings of a neat idea server and only time will tell if it’s a real hit. To bad the Elitist out there will activate the POK books and screw over Norath once again. Ahh! The joy of no insta-travel and not even ports at the present, the joy of no bells in the Harbors of EQ2, the joy of knowing what’s out there can actually harm you to the point of frustration….. I believe that’s the biggest selling points of these servers is that every one has to earn their rights and there is no bazaar to even sell shizza …. Old school baby, but for how long?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

LU24 and chum

I’ve tried from time to time to get time to post this post this time… muhahaha

Well the past few weeks I’ve been split from moving work to playing both my Mystic and Brigand. It is no easy task, battling the ever present Q’s on Nagafen to getting my Hoo’loh done with my Mystic then finding time to post. I can say I was the first to get the Mystic Hoo’loh for a Froglok and it looks pretty damn neat if you ask me… It almost makes me look like a hunchback Gnoll. I’ve also been contending from the new rush for power TSers because of the dumb down of the tedium and worth vs the effort.

Ok first I love the LU 24 it’s been neat to get tons more while harvesting and getting rares as if they well… there not rare anymore, unless it’s loam. I do enjoy trade skill a bit more but I still feel the effort of it is not as well suited as it was before. With all the undercutting I hope they bring the TS questing back because I can get more back from the Merchants then on the “Borker”. Gratis’ has it that LU25 will make my class wanted for a short time so that those of us who wish to by-pass the Borker will be able to. Supplanting items for carpenters to create so that you can sell out of from your own room, this is a bonus for me. Ok LU24 also placed the ever needed Exiles but I’ve yet to see the mass uprising everyone was talking about when this faction was to take place. I believe people will have to be organized and big enough to sustain it self if they do decide to become a “newt” (an old Sullen zek term). I’m quite happy that the betrayal is in though, so I’ll have to go and try it out on a newb of mine before I subject my lowbie on Nagafen to the pain of PVP betrayal.

Onto the more Brigand specific change that I find sweet for PVP, our Blackjack line of spells turned from a high damage stun to a root with lower damage. It’s great for those of us who need to get in a few backstabs in PVP. There is that old dbl rule where if you stun, root, mez… ect for 2 seconds they are immune for 4 seconds. PVP is where this root makes me that much more powerful in which I didn’t have before. It’s another ability in which I can continue my Backstabs on the Q’s who wish to uproot the will of the overlord. I’m now able to stun root snare damage and stun again…. It’s pure evil.

I’m hoping to be able to bring better news and reports in the future for our Dear EQ2 though sadly I’ve been out and about to much to get down to the nitty gritty.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


As I've said in previous posts, posting will be minimal for now. I'm moving back to my old Egress shop and waiting orders out of here. So I'll get to posting when things are more settled.

On the up, Tradeskilling is much nicer for me even though I wasn't sure how the economy was gonna turn out overall it's been very good change.

The Adventure pack is a neat place and for PVP a great place to city pvp if your 50+. The immersion and questing is a bit more what I like even if you have to sit and read what The master has to say then basically repeat it back. It's beautifully done and the whole Asian motif was outstanding for me. Lets just hope Soe keeps it up.

On a more pressing question, where is the PVP blackmarket? I remember something about it being put into the game in the open pvp area's but I've yet to find it and if it's not in yet when?

One more kudos is Soe took my master trading idea... Even if they didn't read this blog and use my idea I know I had it up here before I read it on the boards. So once this goes live baring any bugs it should kick arse.

until next time stay real.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Save the Intrazn3t

Now I said I wouldn't go political on this blog because I have my opions and I got a few nasty emails when I did about how they are right and I'm a retard. I really don't care if I think I'm right or not I have my feelings of things and if I'm to be proven wrong over the course of my life I'll live with it, I never mind being wrong.

Tell me if I'm wrong here though? This Bill the Gov is trying to pass for a 2 teir internet wont benifit but 2% of all of Americans and yet our corupt system feels the need to vote on it. Go save the internet and get a free song. Read up about it and maybe it will enlighten you to the bigger issues. First the internet, then what comptuers we are alowed to use, and what sights were alowed to see... God save us all and God save the last free interprise for the little man.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Vanguards check mate

With so much going on lately I don't know whether I'm coming or going so you will have to forgive me for being brief. Which in normal terms my 10 paragraphs will become 2, it should do in the times to come. Life has taken hold as I knew the closer to June this year would, assignments are coming out and I should be expecting one here shortly. My job here is officially done on the 16th and with out a job to do I'll be jobless, meaning I sit around all day twiddling my thumb's while trying to get around blocked web sights while still getting paid. Kind of like what I do now only I really don't have to answer to anyone until I get my orders to leave, Oh how 10 years seems so far away. Ok, I know you may not care too much about what's going on. I would like to be more precise as to my last post and why the bloging will come to a slow down and its eventual halt for a time.

Sorry if you thought this post was to be juicy sadly I've had too much on my plate to figure out a subject that has more appropriate for my normal bloging self. Even with the unavoidable Adventure pack and future Expansion of Norath there's not anything I would be able to say here with out rebloging what most already know. Though I have something I would like to express short and to the point.

Vanguard: SOH is moving to SOE as their (what I like to call "Share holder"). I wanted to say what a great move for people like me. Now I can play Vanguard with out having to worry about paying 2 bills, because as we all know I'll be playing Vanguard one way or another. I like this move also for the simple fact I don't like Microsoft, yes I use Windows XP but that's about the on MS thing in this world I'd pay for. I think Brad was smart in his move to buy out Vanguard from MS and keep it as Sigil only to have SOE to help out with billing. It reminded me of one of his posts about the whole Vanguard game I can't look it up but I remember McQuaid stating roughly Vanguard is Sigils and MS isn't going to bring discredit to it.

Now some may say moving to SOE is discredit but I think SOE nay Sayers are the same fools that would discredit Moses parting the red seas even if they walked thru the parted waters the night before. These are the same people that would wake up the next day and call it nothing more then a parlor trick or a dream. I give SOE more credit then a 13 blaberteen that was pissed off his mom stopping his EQ addiction for schoolwork and blamed SOE for his pain. I guess I really equate it to those fools that call [GM] Dave over stupid arguments only to be thrown to the Dragon and then go onto the board and say SOE sucks... (yes I know it's a SquarEnix game) sadly I'm sure there are SOE Gm's that could attest to (wanting) to throw the Dragon ban on some of their /petitions though I'm pretty sure [GM] Dave wouldn't last to long as customer service in SOE world. I'm glad Brad's baby is still his baby, now I truly hope another Verant doesn't happen. Some of us need "Hardcore" game play and Vanguard should be the cure for some time to come.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I ask for your Forgivness in my not being able to post as often since I got back. I will try to make it a point to at least get 3 posts a week if not all 5 sadly though My work has finally Nerfed Blogspot from the network and there is no other way aroud it. I'll have to write it at work and send it to myself as usaual... I'm gonna try to get a juicy one up later today.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

DING 62 - Other stuff for you

I usally stray from posting Ding blogs because they usally don't mean much to me. However, today I got my first class hat for Mystic and it rocks. I have to say for a Froglok it's one of the coolest hats in the game. I don't much like the same hat on humaniods but overall it's sweet in stats and looks. Take that Swashbuckler...I also finally got tons of Wisdom and FT4 item Rock On!! This was a huge gain for me probly one of the best upgrade level ever.

While I was gaining 62 I've noticed that Scaleborn is one of the coolest dungeons in Eq2 since well... EQ1 dungeons. For me I love the openess the fact it's not instanced at least not untill there are tons of people and the hardness factor. The big kudos I would like to give KOS expantion overall is the fact they kept the whole expantion instanced minimum. Unlike DOF where it seemed every group I went to was a insta-freaksater. I enjoy instances once in a while but I truely enjoy open dungeons more.

The only drawl back is the fools in these places like SOS. Sometimes like KC (Karnors Castle) people have no reguards to others camped named rooms and train in the worste places leaving you busting yourself out or dead. Look I don't mind an accedent but it seem that alot of time's I'll be with my group camping a room and some other group runs in there. So while we are taking down another Mob the named pops and they KS it.

I know there isn't any other rule then play nice but shit... If you need the named in that room for a quest just ask the group in there if A. you can have it or B. wait your turn. It's all fun and games but if this shit happens on PVP by my team.... I'll be having some BT187's come over and PK some of the FPer fools that decide to step on my groups toes.

As far as training goes, well it's a weird thing, I love em and hate them. I don't mind it once in a while but what I don't like is some other group that seems to not like my group's presence so they run over with their monk and group FD right on top of us as if my Wife(Monk) can't do the same thing. Look if your trying to get deeper and you want to FD some shit don't do it next to another group ever, it looks bad and pisses others off.

SOE good job at bringing back Trains and open dungeons, tis a glorious day for a Train run no? I have to say I'm loving it anything else would be a lie

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm back

Well as you all know I’ve been away for a month and in being gone have dealt with the whole ordeal. It’s been one cluster after another, shit I should be in the circus with the way I’ve juggled everyday life. It’s taken me a while to get back to my blog since I’ve been back due to the fact it’s also taken me a bit to get back into life here in Cali; it’s all been so Surreal. Anyhow after I got back into life and into EQ2 my computers motherboard stopped working so I spent another few days going thru my Dino parts and finally Frankensteing a old computer I got it all to work, Oi! What a hassle and downgrade it was too. YAY for my 1666AMD 1gig SDram!!

So there I was the past few days playing my Shaman and figured I would get to my 60’s, how wrong I was. Not only do I like the fact I’m busy as a Healer it’s a must, if I’m not working as a healer then you’re not doing your job as a tank buddy. That’s my motto and I’ve always stuck with it if I’m becoming lazy I usually leave the group. Sadly, as I seem to level up the easier my job becomes and that’s not good. I have to go out of my level range just to get a challenge even then it’s hard to find something worth its weight in fun. I’ve found myself more bored in the back not healing or doing anything to the point of falling asleep at one point. Not quite sure what it is but unless I get a wreak-less tank that is great at taunting but has no self regard to the groups order my job is not fun.

So to stress my ability I went to Halls of fate and everyone was 70 but me, hell I know what I’m doing. From a Shaman standpoint a ward is a ward weather it be 2010 points or 2200 it still works just as well so levels don’t mean much to me. We did ok but like usual I had to get a tank that doesn’t know how to taunt on the pull-in so I found myself dead enough to the point I had to use my second set of gear. Normally this wouldn’t be to bad but what was even worse the 70 Templar seem to never be doing her job until it was way to late. Now I’m good and love a fight but I’m not good enough to keep everyone alive myself and then some when we get a few bad pulls. Though like I said I usually died on pulls anyhow because the Guardian just seemed to think it was ok to DPS when she was MT so we had to scrap HOF after about an hour.

My main point might have been missed as I’m just tired and feel in a pissy mode since my Shaman seems to have fallen from great fun to boredom. I’m trying to find a place or an equilibrium of challenge where I can do my job well but I get a job to do. Oh well I do always have my Brigand to fall back on. Though the problems with playing my Brigand at the present are my computer and the massive lag I get now with the downgrade of power. I just don’t feel the ability to go out and solo on PVP when I know I could lag out and die to a weakling greenie. Forgive me I’ll post more interesting stuff in the future I promise.

For those of you that sent your condolences it’s very much welcomed and appreciated, sadly with life there is death. May God watch over all of your loved one’s and May you never have to experience a loss in the way our family did.