Friday, July 29, 2005


Well it's off and running, My new guild "Drago" which to me is short sweet and to the point.

I have many plans though, none of which will probly be implamented cause well... I have grand ideas just never seem to have time to follow them through.

Was a fun plan we found a newbie to finally fill in the 6th slot because damn mofo sucka bitch ass friends never all to be on at the same time. OOOOh boy was it a laggy slow time to do what I did to. I logged 2 accounts onto my one computer at the same time both my brothers and mine. dont ever do this to Duel box it just wont work well and for that Im pretty sure. Unless you are God and have a supercomptuer that will launch the next Mars missition. Anyhow was quite a fun time to put it together lag out and then lag in the best place of all laggyness, Qeynos Harbor.

Wish me luck cuase I sure wont need it, this is to be a small force with strong ties and very very difficult to get in. So difficult that newbie was kicked in about 5 seconds after the said this name ux. So um watch you P's and Q's cuase I dont play nice, ever!

We shall see how long it takes to get to the top and even with LU13 it shouldnt take to long for us.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Weekly Review


Good: easily said this is a funny feel good movie

Stars out of 5: 4.5*

Actors: All good acting, hot chick to boot

Must watch?: I'd say yes, very good movie overall.

Bad: didn't really find anything bad.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Struck a Chord

This will be a very long post and in some ways will be revealing to how I think and feel.

The United States Flag. Love it or hate it, it's the symbol of America with its history dating back further then the Actual birth date of America As you will soon read. I look at the flag of nothing more then a Coat of Arms for America. I also belief America is Great but, can become Greater. Although in resent times of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" I've come to notice the down side much more.

I have traveled and lived overseas my wife is an Italian born in Naples and this helps me keep my head on strait. You see the differences are so gaped between us and our overseas brothers. When you live over there as military it's pretty much mandated you have your last year in back stateside to reintroduce better yet re-indoctorate you to the US way of life. (they don't want you to grow to accustom to there way of life becasue alot fall in love with it and dont come back) In my opinion European way of life and culture is great, every week there is a festival, every week family's and neibors get together for some for of gathering, every week they show a connection to one another. That to me is unlike anything I have experienced here in America, though it could be because I have lived the life I have though I tend to belief it's just there culture is much closer knit. Yeah I know Americans have celebrations but Marti gra, New Years, and 4th of July aren't the same by any means.

This is not to say America is the Suck! It's just to point out that our culture is to self absorbed and somewhat scared of what's outside there front door. (Maybe were scared becuase people are getting in trouble for taking pictures of their naked 1 month old baby and then getting them developed) When was the last time you went over to a neibor to say hello and have a 6er of beer? No not a Friday night party to get drunk, just to have some conversation about wtf ever. When was the last time your Landlord came over just to say hello and bring you a Case... Not just a 6er a full Case of beer just to say hey thanks for staying in my house. That happened to me alot in Germany.

The point of this post is for me to get out my frustrations with today's society. This all came about I was told today that all Military Retirements will now have This to read off on the Flag folding Ceremony. Ok yeah the history is grand we can read it and be done with it but, when I retire I really don't want a history lesson. Those of you that would like a history lesson then should have the choice to do so. I am a Christian and as such will not lay down my beliefs just to make you fucking sleep better at night. You were not the one "Whom so loved the world he gave his only begotten son." and you will not be the one to send me to hell, go there on your own accord. What I'm talking about is the way the flag ceremony was done. This is what I want read off at my Retirement ceremony religious or not, it belittles nobody and it's non offensive and If it's not aloud to be read then I need not have a ceremony. You find it offensive? Then you my friend are the one with a problem. I also know alot of this came about becuase of the crap in the Air Force Academy, fucking 18 punk kids crying that it's religous abound, and they were made fun of when they didnt go to church by the other kids. GIMMY a fuking BREAK already, I was made fun of when I didnt go to HighSchool football games or play sport. I know I'm not the only one either do you see them saying well we should take out sports becasue it's offensive to some childern... UH! No you didnt and no you wont.

I do not persecute those who do not choose to worship my God, I do not trash those whom wish to be Gay, I do not find it offensive for those of you who do not worship God or want to be Gay and Marry. That is the way you choose to live your life and it's your life given to you by God with FREE WILL. Funny how that works though some group of Neo-NON religious Sects are in a way practicing Religion. How different is it for them to run around crying? "OH MY they are using Religion again get it out" vs. "There needs to be the love of God here put it in place." I'm sorry for those of you who feel threatened by the Love of God. Good or Bad only comes from the heart of the people we are around, with God there is only Good. I feel sorry for those of you that may have had religion PUSHED on you in some form or another. I do know some forms of pressure weather it be religious or otherwise can become overwhelming and a burden at times. Though saying One Nation under God is not a form of you need to go to become a Christian, Catholic or Muslim. It's still a "Somewhat" Free Country you have the choice to not say it, damn you have the free will just to not say the pledge all together if you so choose.

On to the main point I'm trying to get across here. I keep seeing God being taken out of America and that to me is the reason for this post. It saddens me in a way though it hasn't in the past, usually I just say O well God's still here... I've told myself that a million times. No matter what the American public will do God will always be here. It is weather or not he will be with us when we finally choose once again we need him/her.

Think of what we have been through in over 200 years that has been changed due to a person of a good heart. Someone who was God fearing and wanted to do good by the heavens and on Earth. Abraham Lincoln set forth the proclamation to set all men free in America, Civil rights were bestowed upon each individual by God. Through the vision of one man who had faith and the Army of men who seen fit to go to war over it. Some may say o yeah it would of happened sooner or later. Not with out the God, there is Good in the world yes. I believe a person without the belief in God can be good. Though can he be good with a purpose and can he with out there being a God?

It seems as if these days we want to really see how far the rabbit hole goes. Take the 10 commandments out of the court houses. Yeah ok that's a good Idea, while your at it strike Thou shal not kill from the law books. Oh! And though shal not covet another man's wife, cause we all know we want to go home and see someone in your place of bed. How bout remove Thou shal not steal from the records too because fuckit who needs Wal-Mart shit anyhow. Strike Thou shal honor thy mother and father from the records cause we all know today's kids can raise themselves; They can watch Jerry Springer, spank it to GTA nudie scene's after they can shoot their parents, now remember there is no Thou shal not kill. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; Opps we just killed em all while screwing their wife and ox, and stealing there Big Screen T.V. so we don't need that one now either. (get my point)

Religious Zealots are as pathetic as the Non-religious Zealots. Both are getting at the same point if you ask me, A) they are only in it for themselves one way or another and B) Have something to gain. Over Religious people are trying to use God to take your money and buy themselves a new car, while maybe trying to get you into the gates of heaven. They make you feel like if you don't give enough to them(church) then you aren't going to be blessed. I like Job am blessed everyday with or without any worldly possestions. Non-religious folk are in it for there own gain one way or another, they want recognition which gets them notoriety and it also buys them a new car. A person a normal person like me, knows that if you can read then read the bible for yourself then pray,have and learn patience for God does answer just not in a loud voice.

Keep taken God out and putting other vices in place we will see how far this America will take us. As in Rome when they kept on changing, look at the different Rulers between God, Paganism and the like. You will see that it became strong when God was present and broke when God was left out. Even with Paganism which is a touchy point for me the people had a belief wether it good or bad. I for one trust someone who has faith in something more then someone who has faith in themselves or nothing at all.( not the type of faith such as I can win this next battle with the Gruktooth goblins either.) A belief is what keeps us strong as a whole and with out it what are we? To me if there was no God then what is the point of all this? It would be a life of repetition till we die then all for not.. Eat, Sleep, Work, pay bills, buy stuff, repeat, die. Is that what America is all about is that what life is all about? No. If we take God out of America what will be the God in his place?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Busy busy bee's

Been up to my neck in busyness and not much to say other then still kicken.

Oh yeah

Names in EQ2 as of late have been being changed alot and I think it's SoE's funny side coming out.

A person named Microwave Oven had his name changed to Woodstove Oven. He got all bent out of shape about it.. All I have to say you fucking idiot this isnt Red v Blue type games oh oh oh and hey read the name policy dippo.

Boy people with stupid names chap my hide like Nonstop Allthetime.... he should get his first name changed to Imretarted Allthetime. If you have a dumb name then your dumb so dont complain. If SOE desided my names wernt fit it would suck I would get it changed and move the fuk on.. ok that is all

Monday, July 25, 2005

The days keep flying

Well I was off a week and Had no time to well... Ok I just took a break from everything but EQ2 for a week so now I'm back.

Tid bits:
Rombark has updates and one is quite funny.
Empire is a Mini-series(the Sux) sorry for mis-info.
Live update 12 is a nice addition to EQ2.
Never go to Vegas the day before you go back to work.
And always always be nice to the cleaning lady you never know where she might look.

Have a great Monday

Friday, July 15, 2005

Guild what?

Exactly! I'm gonna make a Guild of my own. I've decided that in the last 5 years of MMOing and good raid and group leadership that it's time to move out of the basment of other peoples rules.

My Guild has decided that after all hell and high water to just throw in the towel. Not sure why other then the leader sux well one any way. She has presumed that the guild is in dissaray and we need to join another guild to be warrented.. I say resign your dumb ass and let the guild decide it's own destiny but, instead of getting in a heated debate over a keyboard or Team Speak I will just go my own way. I got the first 6 all real life friends and family and we are gonna set the ground rules together.

Rules: The rules never seemed to be in place in this guild. If they had rules they were often broken.

Sorry going for some stream of thought here so I'm gonna make up my rules basis now as I type. These are things that should be held in high esteem I feel in every guild but I dont care I want them to at least be in my Guild.

1. 12 Patrons max, no more no less; unless one patron is resigning or has quite EQ2 to be replaced.
2. There will be a leadership as a senant 3 persons will decide together if one person veto's it will be held over till the guild as a whole come to vote on the results.
3. JFK here There will be no GIMMY! I WANT! I WILL GET!. NBG and that's not loosly based we will give you what you need. That means you are gonna use it and that item is Attuned to your person at point which you get item.
4. Level 20 adventurer min to join; or lvl 20 tradeskiller which ever comes first.
5. 30 days to prove your worth to the guild after which the 3 Leaders will decide.. None of this "he is cool I grouped with him once get him in our guild."
6. Raids will schduled and processed by the person that wishes to throw the raid. Raid Leader gets to distrbute loot accordingly.. See rule 3 for any questions about loot distrabution.
7. If your gone for 30 days and have no excuse and let no one know your booted, and as you resume your corse in EQ2 if you so choose you maybe let back in.. If you make the same mistake twice your out.
8. If you beg or plead for guild services and you act as a child I will treat you like one and give you a time out... read as: you will be expeld
9. No disruptions in guild chat like F*** you and or nasty language. SOE invinted the /tell for a reason, use it for crazy online butt love. Not /Gu Chat
10. Officers are your first line to get things done but, that doesnt mean you can not do it as yourself. I.E. you have Amob_01 to kill for quest nickity nak put together the guild or personal group to do it. Perferably if someone in the guild asks for help be willing to put forth the time this is a give take situation but we all should be here willing to give.
11. Nameing policy from SOE may not really apply to SOE anylonger but it does to me. There will be no names such as. Leegolis, AAAragorn, Whodonit Ididit, and nothign durogitory. If I or someone in the guild feels your name is either A. from a book, movie, or TV you may not be guilded. B. If your Sur name is not placed at the time of joining guild and is somewhat offencsive or not in the spirit of the game you may become expeld. This maybe a bit harsh for those that want stupid and/or unorignial games but hey it's my guild and I cant control server wide names such as Microwave oven but I sure as hell wont let you join. This will all become case by case basis and may be upto guild and or senate at that time.
12. If you become a patron you are takeing a position of responsiablity if you take on the task to do this it's till level 30. You have a 2 week notice to drop Patronage so that we can get someone geared up to take your place. If your a patron it is required to do one writ a week min/ Heritages count towards your 1 writ. If you leave for more then 30 days and or have to go on a long break inform the guild, state your reason and at that time it will be discussed as to what will happen, more likely your posistion will be held. If your a patron and leave for 30 days and have no notice I will no notice your ass for demotion and someone will take your place, which you will never regain.
13. If you are a normal guildie and are gone for 90days without notice you will be kicked.
14. This is a friends and family Guild and nothing is truly required such as raids or grouping. The only requirement is your friendly and helpfull.
15. This is a big no no- Dont bother those that have a tradeskill for your level to make you such and such item. If someone can make you something and you ask expect to pay them back in one way or another. If that someone decided to not make it for you and or is busy well; think of it this way if you were out xping and someone said "hey drop what your doing to help me" but you were far in a dungeon or fairly engrossed, would you stop to go to them? No most likey not. So if someone is willing and or is gonna make the item leave it at that. When said person tradeskilling has time and did say yes leave it at that let them get it to you on their time not yours. Do not beg in the guild EVER if you say " PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs make blah blah for me PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs?" you will get you kicked. I dont care if your the son of Moorgard your done. Consider rule 15 your warning. If you do this in tells and I hear word of it through more then 2 persons you will be banned no questions asked.
16. Do not cause Guild drama! Ever this is not day time soaps. If you have trouble with someone then talk with them. If that dont fix it you will have one officer above you talk with them, if the issue is still not resolved it will go to the Senate. I.E. if you think so and so is getting all the treatment and such and such is so ass kissy talk with as little people as possilbe to get the issue resolved. Becuase even if the other person is at fault and you spiral the whole situation into a guild problem you will be kicked.
17. If your not a Patron and want to help out the guild then you may do so in other ways, no one will ever say no to a guildie trying to do good things for the guild. I.E. helping out with the web sight or to putting together gatherings for either raids or just to get together to wipe out Black burrow for fun. Remeber though, if your not a patron do not become a winey baby about it becoming one or you will get a warning with a soon after Boot from the guild if you continue. There will be a section devoted to patrons and those that wish to become or help patronage.
18. This is a Game and we are a family enjoy be happy and we will have a great time.

These rules are subjected to change but the basic's will stay the same. Now to get Guilded and start throwing these down in stone.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

r(t) = 3/2 (t+1)i + e-tj; Find v(t) and a(t)

Sorry not much to post at the present time.

But it's problems like these I've been working and well lets just say all numbers to me are starting to become like the 150pack of coloring crayons we got as kids. They all look nice and we know we can use them but WTF are we gonna use a cocoanut pecan yellow for? Exactly there already is a brown and a yellow so why differentiate into one color?

I spose it is the same reason we get new books every year for math. They want the money and 150 crayons sounds better then the 8 basic ones; lol it's funny to me cause it seems 8 is more then enough and well math never really changes.

anyhow if anyone knows how to do either of these questions from my Calc III class feel free to email me or post a comment.

lim n to infinity n Square root n, use Ratio test. and find convergence using nth root test.

MacLaurin series a=0 f(x)= e to the x/2

and the one in the title ... We shall see your mettle.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Usually I do my weekly review on movies but since I've been busy gaming the only time I've stopped was to work,sleep,eat and watch Empire; so that should lead you to believe I've not had time to watch movies.

Empire the TV show yeah that's right TV. Short of HBO's Deadwood and Sopranos this show is the best on regular TV since well I can't quite remeber.

This show has it all blood, orgies, attitude, and a great line up of unknown actors. Well at least unknown to me. It has been such a long time that I've seen a show and when the hour is up I can't wait till next week. The set up is like it's a mini series or a movie but it's a normal show and has a great basis " The Roman Empire". If you love history or Rome and can look at this with an open mind knowing that there was some creative twists and writing that aren't all historically correct then you will enjoy this show. I really can't say enough good things about this show though, my only hope is it's not cancelled.

I heard through the Internet vine that the show went over budget and almost wasn't aired but I'm sure glade they did... Now if they would change it from 10pm to a more suitable time at least 9pm I would jump with joy.

Little back ground on what has happened so far.

Julius Caesar was head of the Empire and wanted to give Rome back to the people. The Senate was in fear of loosing their jobs so they brutally murdered Caesar. Rome was in uproar and the Mob was thrashing the town and wanted the heads of the killers so to speak. Caesar in his decree named Octavious his successor to him and this is where the fun begins. Previous to Caesar death a Gladiator proved himself and basically became royal guard to Julius so in his die'n breath he asked him to protect Octavious.. The Gladiator took Octavious and was looking for their safety and a plan to get Octavious to the Thrown. They were then captured trying to get a great General of the 4th Legion to help them, stumbled in at the wrong time and were hauled off to a gladiator camp. Octavious shows he has balls and the Gladiator took a beating but they ended up escaping only to run into General Marc Antony.

This point it looks like safe sailing because the General was a loyal second to Julius. There was some spatter of the General trying to be on Octavious side but he was a jealous man and you can see it. Gladiator fucked up and jumped a arriving guest General (he thought it was an assassin) then there was a small falling out between Octavious and the Gladiator. The Gladiator left because he believed his family was in trouble and because Octavious released him of his duty. This Beastmaster (assassin) then was able to come into the place unguarded and killed everyone that was in this orgy to include poisoning Octavious..This was all the General's plan.. That's it for now tune in next week at 10pm on ABC

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sweet Emotions

Well it's been a few days since I got to play so I'm quite jonezen. I also haven't done anything of interest so I'm just posting to hear myself talk or is it read myself type? well anyhow. This is a day to remeber it's nothing special but remeber it anyway there seems to be nothing better to do...

I dub today Happy Boring day!

If you see Glokk on Faydark server say hi.

Crap shit damn!!! I have nothing today sorry I spent all my energy here have fun.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Ahhh! The sweet smell of being a Mystic took 7 days total but, I don't always get to play except for the weekends and that's when I should be doing Homework... Damn Math classes.

This has been a weird ride I've pushed to try to get a lot of cash to at least buy myself steel for my BP at least and I'm gonna push to get it for my Leggings too. Then all of a sudden 2 ore later ba'bling "Steel Cluster" so I got one more to go and for me this is kinda exciting. I know I got a 40 Guardian and I've gotten both Steel and Feysteel sadly, I've never gotten to use it cause for me having rare BP's for only 2 levels was not worth wasting. So I'm quite excited to finally be able to have my now 43 armor do her damn job for me fer once.

On another note and maybe one day somehow this can be answered. How come I can run through levels 1-19 solo but at 19 I got into a group in Nek and it seemed to take me 5 hours to get 20... We were pulling in shit red to me and the xp was for crap I went to double check and the crows in Ant. They were still aprox 1% per grp of 2 kill... I was killing 3 pirates just to get 1% sorry, but that was just mad. Bah! Maybe it's a loot thing anyhow I finally got 20. Now it's time to head to the dungeon of pain to get that Tradeskill Vit down.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Well I was proven wrong and me likes. I went after Rotweed once again...and again... and again...and again till about 20% xp debt then I finally realized ok well maybe I should gain a few levels and try once again.

This time I took this tank at his ability's, he knew what he was doing; getting hate and pulling adds to him this monk kicked ass. Later we decided ok I decided that I need to know if this little experiment of mine was gonna lead to the hypotenuse that I want.

Was it just because I wanted him to suck maybe but, I really did want to see what he could do. I took him to the mite field North of NQ gate only to find out he really did kick ass mind you this was only his second day of being in the EQ realm. We waxed mite's for about 1.5 hours and no deaths. It was quick xp and just as soon as I was figuren maybe these level 14, 15 mites were to easy. I said "we need to go kill something harder" then BAMB! 5 level 18 mites spawn he was going down like a Japanese jucie on a bamboo pole. Ward heal Ward heal... Slow slow slow slow. Our little grp wiz dru sha monk.... Kicked there royal assess and, the best part he kept the hate no matter what we did.

So the lesson here is even if you never have played a MMOG you too can learn to play your class and if you don't your a retard.

Lesson for Rotweed at level 12.

Sweat from the brow,
all is calm with healer;
oh shit no group revive.

want better Haikus?

Thursday, July 07, 2005


I have been known to complain about how easy EQII is at times but, not today. This maybe the only time I can say I enjoyed bugs and my 14% debt.

Last night I was doing the good ole quest of killing Rotweed in Oakmyst forest and boy was this a fun time. Well fun for me because I was getting my ass along with the grp's ass handed to us. Mind you he's only yellow to me and blue to the other 2 in my group. Well the difficulty was mainly because in this cave you can seem to always be getting hit but, can never seem to see who is hitting you... Damn dryads and rotting trees. Well I can say this was a fun night even though I didn't accomplish doing the task at hand it pointed out that sometimes winning isn't the only fun you can have. Though, I do have some compliants.

The two separate people I was grouping with were less then adequate in knowing how to play well more the mage.

MAGES: This is for you if you have never played EQ or EQII for more then a month in a group...
MAJOR NOTE: Just because you can get agro and get hit for the first 10 levels and live cause you can outnuke the mobs life DOSE NOT mean you can keep doing so especially on a HEROIC mob.

It seems that even some of the higher Mage's like to acquire hate and they do so in the way of NUKE NUKE NUKE ..... Dead.. VS wait till tank or their pet has hate... NUKE.....Wait a good amount of time the NUKE, rinse repeat. This newb mage did this a lot and died like 6 times the whole time we kept trying then he just disband and said sorry don't want no more debt. Which I can understand if it wasn't your fault.

MINOR NOTE: if you are in a group with a healer don't fucking run away or you will quickly parish. Everytime this little tyke got hit he ran like a rabit from my bumper on a strait strech of highway. I can;t stress how fucking annoying it is to see someone die on my watch that would of otherwise been ok... Especially if he was by my side.

TINY NOTE: Tanks don't need DPS they need defense and your taunt buttons are their for a reason so go buy a fucking Tower/Kite Shield. Oh and if people in your group are getting hit switch targets to the mob that is hitting your group mates... Especially the healer, they die you die or loose.

I have little experience in EQII with other tanks other then last night because I'm a 40 Guardian main. So from last night experience all I can say is he did his best but sometimes you need to switch targets for hate if there is no Crowd controller.

LAST NOTE: I grew up back when most of the newb areas were group only so I can only say this might hinder the next gen of newb's if they don't learn to group now, not at 20. However, only time will tell. All I see is people that don't know A. How to control agro and B. How to keep agro(tank) two very important rules in any group.

OTHER NOTE: Self- get bigger groups because Bigger always Better. Read as easier

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hero's and Freedom 2

Nobody really likes a sequel right?

I got my second EQII account and well I have to say not only do I like this sequel of a game I enjoy my second try at life on Norath. I'm trying to do things efficient enough as it is and think it's fun to play EQlive style... No newbie quests. Well I know they have em in EQ1 now but not when I started. I just go out and Obliterate shit with my Smite and that's fun, been a while since I used magic to "make shit dead".

Hey SOE here's a good Expantion idea, more newbie starting area's with new cities to start at but the possibility to bind to the Hamlets. Please God no more kill 10 Rat quests. I have more then enough of those to last a life time.

Ahh! The Shaman life for me.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Hero's and Freedom

Everyday you will hear one of those two words at least in my line of work those two words are used liberally throughout.

Hero- It's meaning is forced into recent American society as a word just to use as power. The meaning to me should be used sparingly and used in context that fits the profile. Such as the media using it as a word paramount for all that are Police/Firemen/Military. Now granted there are Hero's that are in these professions and I would agree that the 911 Government workers showed true heroism. I would tell you now I would sit for about an hour debating on weather or not I am gonna go in there and save the people.Whereas those that did just charge in did so not just because it's what they get paid for but they knew they could make a difference however small in the whole Chaos of that event.

The standard format for the word Hero is getting used to just describe people in those professions that sit on their asses and don't do anything. I was in Kuwait for 4 months in 1999 and yes there was conflict even then, just not televised. USS Cole was destroyed when I was there and a tanker full of explosives went off outside 5 Miles from our Burm, there was also Aircraft coming back with bullet holes from the locals target practicing. This all just supporting the no fly zone. By no means am I a Hero I sat there supported my fellow Airmen in getting the Aircraft in the air I did my job and played Final Fantasy series from 1 to 9. Their are some who are even worse that just sit on the thumbs do nothing and for that people praise them for being Hero's and that's the point I'm getting to. How are you a Hero for sitting on your ass with a uniform on? Jesus is a hero he died for those of our souls that are in need of being saved Christian or not as a person everyone that looks at him knows he was a Great Man. That is what the word should be reserved for People who do things for others intentionally without reward without anything in return.

is shat out the mouth of every one when it best suits them and it's being to piss me off.. See Patriot act fuck this shit. How is taking my freedom to walk this land and do business while Big brother can deem what I'm doing a National Security issue? They say we Military are protecting and making freedom but as I see it Osama's Crew won. September 21, 2001 I walked the streets of Vegas with my brother and it was like a scene out of Steven Kings The Stand. Every one was scared shitless as if a 3rd world country already took over. Soon after people started to go out then started to look over their shoulders as if they were gonna get eaten by a Muslim horde. Every breath out of the News was about fear and people ate it up, shit if normal people buy this crap I could only wonder how a person with a psycotic disorder took it.

I feel that every day and every time I hear the Government and News use the word freedom it kills it. Do you really think Walace would of screamed Freedom on his death bed? I highly doubt it I know he was fighting for his people to have it but did it ever really happen? Did George Washington run around to all the reporters ensuring his troops and his traitorous acts were for freedom? No! He knows that why he was trying to oust the Brits and his troops followed him into battle for something bigger and better then themselves. (Not Freedom) If anyone tells me one more time that the Revolutionary war was for Freedom I swear I'll go postal.

I see it this way if they ran around saying "O Washington sir thou must killeth thein enemy and smite him with all we haveth for freedom" Good Ole George would of probly just walked away or how I see it pull out his musket and off that idiot. We wanted to be free to practice religion as a way to praise the lord and know that the lord is apart of our Government system but not have the Cardinals and Popes to run it. Though I believe the biggest reason was we didn't want to be taxed (without representation) and have Virtual Senate in London. Though if you look at it
now it seems we just slap a smiley face on it and we can tax the fuck out of the people. Ok, now I will give to them but WTF this this about then? I wouldn't mind payn taxes so much if I knew why we just throw American dollars away. First hand exp here, I work with gov. Money day in and day out and am told be responsible take care or end up in prison which is quite funny. I use Gov mone stupid and they use even more Gov money to keep me in a Cell?

Here where I work we penny pench all Fiscal year which is good it's the American's money right? Then they come down a few months before the end of the year and go fucking Crazy, yesterday we got 20k out of 250K for just our area to spend it all by the end of the day. Here is what pisses me off what good are you gonna do with 20k when you have everything you need already? 20k pens and pencils, ping pong table, a new Air Conditioning unit? I mean this is 20K which is little under what I make in one year is gonna be spent in 1 day for stuff we can be without O lets not forget the other 230K that was spend throughout the whole work force? I fucking though we had a Government deficit and want to spend wisely? I know why they do it, they want the same checking account #'s or higher the following year. I guess it's the same reason some Air Force Chief who works for 30 years only gets Aprox. 2000$ a month vs. a senator that has been in office working 10k. Government has been corrupt since the day more then a grp of people decide they are gonna run the people. O wait I forgot the Americans run the government right?

I got a little off the subject of Freedom but this is what I think of Freedom at this point of time it's a concept just like infinity there is nothing solid. I wake up everyday knowing that my Government can fuck with me all in the name of what the fuck ever. O did I mention they can just come take our house for public use.... Um Go fuck yourself I will buy a house in a prime area for public use load up on guns and lets have another Waco. I don't need one more fucking mini mall or Wal-Mart up my ass o and the 15 7-11's right in a row... O wait don't forget the all coveting McDonald's cause I can never seem to find enough of them when I'm hungry. When Rome was to be free and have the "Mob" rule the Government that was built for them in the first place. Then the senate freaks the fuck out and Kills the only one Julius Caesar whom like George Washington didn't take the Crown of Rule. These men are Hero's they did what was good for the people and would do so for the world.

Now don't go getting me wrong I think America is Great I just believe it should be Greater... Keep taking God out of our home and see him leave. Keep taking freedom from people and the Government will soon be slaughtered in their sleep. Keep shitting in your Neighbors yard and see if he don't start defacing ours. It takes anyone with a voice to start a war as a president it takes a great HERO to know how to keep the peace and to deflect any reason for war.

As far as Freedom I say you need to start Racially profiling I'm sorry if the NRA started to fuck with America and blew up the Empire State in New York I would hope that they would screen Irish more...(I'm Irish) I'm sorry but pulling my Grandma off to the side to search every inch of her person and ruffing her neatly packed luggage just because some Sand Monkey wants to fucking blow us up in the Name of Allah is fucking ridiculous. Here it is If I look suspistius then fuck with me cause I probly have an agenda. We have to many laws that contradict laws that make up new laws that fuck with other laws we have any way to just about get off if we have enough money. The basic laws that we have had for a few Centuries are now being taken out of our Courts see 10 Commandments to many to point to just one.

All I say is lets keep this up and we will get to see the fall of the Roman Empire first hand.