Wednesday, August 31, 2005

tit for tat: Debate about Vanguard

Well me and Aggro decided to put up two differnt points of veiw and debate about Vanguard. I took the defensive side and he was taking the devils advocate side... Muhahah, well this is a little bit of the article.

The Advanced Encounter System For innovation they have one wonderful Idea the Advanced Encounter System (AES) which I will only touch on a bit. It's a better (IMHO) way of not instancing but feeling like your work won’t be KSed from you in the end. There are several ways they will go about it but for one example: Say you get a straw-hat looted in a certain place, you wear this hat and talk to a NPC and your actions start an Encounter. Others can see you and join to help you as you would any XP pick up group but, all the mobs and or what you have to do can either be spelled out for what you are to do, or it can be puzzled and vague. This helps with immersion because you don’t feel locked away from a world and all the garbage I believe that instancing brings along with it. Yeah, I've heard about the Advanced Encounter System. I don't know. EQII has some zones that are instanced, but most are still normal zones. I guess the AES system is trying to take the best features of both. I don't really get it. If you are going to have your own mobs and own quest, does it really matter that someone other group is in the same dungeon as you? It's just window dressing really. And it makes me think that the same dungeons will be used over and over for different purposes. The problem isn’t that it's window dressing but at any point of grouping someone can drop out. Yeah now there are cross zone invites and it helps for getting pick up's in your group. However it's a time waster and when you don’t want to waste anymore time then you have to, wouldn’t it be conducive to say hey there are LFG's here. Also, there have been times that I wasn’t invited into a raid or event but I could still go watch. When I was level 25 I went to go watch a Naggy raid instead of just reading about it and looking through pictures. Also when you read about these DKP governed guilds you realize this will benefit them greatly. Wouldn’t it be great to not have those that can’t participate but still want DKP's at least get to watch? How fun is it to stay outside an instance to gain DKP? Granted this only pertains to a small amount of guilds though it is still an advantage over instancing. Personally it's a feeling/immersion thing, I like to feel like I'm in a world not a closet which is what instances evoke.

This is my stance on Vanguard and what I belive might change instancing as we know it. you can go here to see the whole debate ... Then tell us what you think here on the board or on aggro's sight.

Monday, August 29, 2005

From the wheel to this

It's been a long hard road since man first chipped the wheel and had it roll over his neighbors dog.

But SOE is trying to do it again and again.. Make the wheel I mean.

Ha! Just kidding,

Anyhow I did think up some unusually cleaver stuff that could be implemented into EQ2 well OK I thought up one thing er maybe two.. Never mind just read

It was Friday and Saturday I was there helping some Guildies out and running back and forth and I thought to myself ok Kramdra needs help and shit so do I so why not start getting stuff together and Hook up some raids.

We decided to kill Torig in Cauldren Hollow boy was this a mess.. First we had 2 initial groups of 30 to 40 and a few high 20's... The wife relized we are gonna need one more for this puppy so we decided to get a 3rd group together. I think it took us maybe 1.5 hours to get everyone there and settled well as settled as they could be.. We have 3 groups finally and they were all messed up I mean really messed up 5 tanks and one healer in one group and 4 DPS with one tank and mage you get the point. Anyhow, it took us maybe another 1hour to organize groups by class/level which was no easy feat in itself.

I suggest that every group leader be leader of raid for one... due to LD and LAG; Suggestion 2 there should be a way for Main Raid Leader to swap out persons from one grp to another w/o having to disband switch regroup... People wait go AFK, or are having a baby.. You see not everyone sits idly by knowing raids take time. So why not just cut the BS of having to wait for everyone to see what's typed or said for them to do and let the raid leader do it..

Personal suggestion to those FUCK's who go on raids for XP... Get a damn brain raids are for loot groups are for XP... Stop complaining about geting so little or none at all... NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOUR XP.

Ok, Sorry, anyhow, my last suggestion is to let there be a options to see what something is immune to.. It's tiresome to see 15 people beating on a mob and see IMMUNE 50 times above there head, I mean seriously how am I to know what it's immune to....

That is all... Raid happly and here's to your loots... which is another thing no one really cares you have.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

More Random suggestions

Everyday I play the game .. you know that EQ2 game and I think up suggestions whether or not anyone cares or if SOE has listened to me is all subjective.

Random Suggestion #1 Do like you should of done with EQ1 in the first place, hell you did it with EQ2. Destroy all POK books and anything really that deals with SOL. Or at least make a old world server.

Random Suggestion#2 Get rid of all the Ding Dings on the bells and replace with MC Hammers Song.. Can't touch this while systematically float wisping that person to the closest real zone.

Random Suggestion #3 If it's a big deal or things matter then leave it that way. Stop changing stuff to change it. I.E. access quests to places such as EL and Zek ect. Granted I didn't agree with it in the first place but, there are efforts people put in and don't like them trampled on in one patch.. What next /Tradeskill 50... Ding. /gu hey guys what would you like me to make... O wait damnit were all Armour's? WTF

Random Suggestion #4 Don't keep pushing out expantions for money.. Make what you have work.. Be fun, and most importantly Challenging.

Random Suggestion #5 As far as taking away XP debt from the group and as much as I don't mind; there had better be a good reason. Groups need to function as one, though if you ask me which you aren't but, if you were. I would say up the debt% per death and don't let it regen when you log off... I died it's my mistake let me be punished for it.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Well the good Blogger Aggro is at it again and though I enjoy reading his stuff every morning at work. Today's outlook I have to disagree with hope you don't mind Aggro. I was gonna write a comment today but, what I have to say in regards to what he said here goes farther then a few sentences.

Most know and that have came from EQlive understand their is different mentality then those that just started their MMO with EQ2. With that being said I have no arguments to say we Old timers are more right, it's just to say I believe we are wiser to the ways of the MMO world. (notice wise not intellegence) That is also to say that SOE is experimenting, I also believe they are watching the numbers closer to their wallets then we are and would only do these proposed changes if it were to warrant something good here.. I'm getting to a point bare with me.. What I'm tryn to say here is two fold well I do believe SOE already said it but, here goes.

Unlocking encounters: I have been against Locked encounter from the beginning and have strong feelings even though I look past it everyday while I stay in EQ2 world. Some say it will start a Kill Stealing spree (KS) but, KSing is happening everyday. This moment as you sit here reading this someone just ganked and locked Bloodtalon from another grp that has been in the area waiting for the spawn for 4 hours. That's right someone just ganked your Chomper from the lake in EL while you stepped away to get you drink.. You see opening up encounters isn't gonna start or stop anything that doesn't already happen.

I can tell you power leveling may happen, Ok yeah it will happen and you may not like it. Now it's been mentioned that if the second engager (DPS wise) if they were to take over 50% they make the 1st engager lose part xp.. This is sweet if you ask me, like I mentioned above If I have a grp that gets KSed this time around and they engage first screw em I will engage second and out DPS those mofo's to at least feel some pain. LOL! no but seriously Aggro mentioned the part about healers what does that do for them? It's still I believe more benefitial that the said healer group and mentor then sit idol and heal. A) They both get xp the mentor a lot less and the mentie 5% bonus per mentor and B) Not all heals work outside of groups... The worse heals are outside grp only granted at lvl 29 I can single heal for 200+ but for me it's a lot of mana fast it's really a pain to use this. I can't speak for druid and cleric though I know their best heals are group only. So you can Power level a what a lvl 9 or a 15 shit even up to 40+ but, I still believe the best xp is group. Unlike EQlive when you kill some mob 5+ level higher then yourself it takes a lot longer and you really don't get MAD xp like you did then. Can't hit the said mob if it's 9+ levels higher then you so you will be there all day taken off a few hits here and there; and once again Damage shields are group only spells... Not viable. Besides EQ2 has vitality I have made 5 characters 20+ each with in 4 days on off play/questing.

Don't much like the option to turn on or off the locked encounters.. Call it my purogative, not sure why just don't like it. Maybe becuase of what I said above about making a KSer feel some pain.

I do agree with raids staying locked I like a challenge and to me adding bodies isn't a challenge it's just a pain. I feel this staying locked is something they are doing right and have to say Aggro's has a better feel for the higher level game raid, I've only been to DFC... Though I believe they need to make DFC less active.. I mean what is it with those Orcs running around aimlessly unless to lag everyone is SOE objective. Anyways that's another story all together.

As far as swapping members in and out of a group at will this will be ok only if it's central to the leader and not chosen by the member... I can just see it everyone's dieing because of some joker and the Joker disbands so he don't get the debt from everyone else.. We will see about this one.

I will have to dis-agree with Aggro when he says that it these changes to the encounters won't have a change on the community. I'm sure some others will agree and I know SOE has paid attention thus far. A short story of my own: It had to be my 3rd Alt ever he was a lvl 9 warrior and in those days all they had was a bow/ autoattack and taunt.. Oh and beserk if you fall below in HP's where you start to hit and damage more rapidly because you are about to die... There I was in Greater Faydark fighting an Orc Cent it just jumped me. For all those that don't know you have to have -12 Health or something like that to actually die lest in those days it was that. Here come's a Game long friend Mausie just running around mindin her own business. She seen me get waxed I was in the purple club of hers for sure.. She hit me with a heal and a few buffs I got up and went at it again... I was excited to say the least it was fun and formed a bond between a high level and a low level.. This does not really happen in EQ2 outside of tradeskills.. Anyways to finish the story I joined her guild and met and done many of things becuase of that moment in EQlive history..

That is not to say that it can't happen other ways I'm just pointing out that helping does happen.... In all my years on Norath the only thing power leveling ever did that I've seen was A. Show an E-penis and B. Help you catch up with your friends.. Though if I wanted to I could have a lvl 50 in less then a month w/o powerlvling in EQ2... No way in hell you gonna do that in EQlive w/o powerlvling, least first year in EQlive. Guess what I'm sayin is there is less a point to PL in EQ2 because leveling is a joke.

Aggro has gone on to say it breaks immerstion if you have a buff healer/bot next to your group healing you while it makes everything easier.. Ok I somewhat agree however, It's still possible to have a level 50 join a lvl 30 group and get the SBS heritage done... I know I did it, it was boring and uneventful. So I do agree it took away from the raid and It can but that's a group choice. You want to get it done? You do it the way you want and sometimes you do what it takes to get that last piece to a quest.. Healer bot or not EQ2 still has this problem today.

Thinking more on this back to my EQlive days and I can't think of a time there was a bot used in any groups I was in.... Ever. There were some during raids but, that's about it.

I disagree this change is change for progress, hell if it sux I'm sure Sony will just change it again right? The are bringing back heroics which I'm excited about. Solo is good Group is better and we need more grouping even if it's outside. Untill Next time you all stay locked and safe out there.

Stay tuned sometime here shortly both Aggro and I go at it over Vanguard: Saga of Hero's

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bored why wait?

Eat a snik... um nah go here and have a little story telling fun.. It's been working up and getting quite interesting.

I'm bored got nothing to do so to get you all spun up on what un-boring adventer we are all undertaking in this EQ2 story here it goes. I didn't write most any of this but I think it's getting good

The wizard looked up and smiled.

"Oh sure, blame it on the mage; I get this all the time!"

"Well, if you were so overzealous with your casting, we wouldn't be in this situation." the Troll grumbled as he wiped his blade.

Weejum was used to this sort of banter after a good fight, as a halfling that had mastered the art of spellcasting he still never managed to get much respect.

"You call it overzealous, I call it timely," the diminutive Weejum tossed back to his sizable comrade.

" It's not 'Timely' blasting us out of the Hot Water YOU got us into in the first place ya little runt! jabbed Grak with a laugh; "next round is on you maybe the next 2 rounds!

"Grak... I can guarantee you that our little Weejum here can handle himself, he'll be worth his fee ten fold.", cut in a calm yet assertive voice.

" He keeps waggling them fingers at every little gnat around his head and we'll never know will we Captain?" griped the Troll as he examined the edge of his sword for nicks from the recent scuffle.

Little Weejum Splinterkeg's smile grew even broader as his troll-friend took the bait, they were so easy to goad into a quarrel, now he could make his move.

Just as Weejum was about to act, "You really don't want to do that right now do you Weejum?" their Kerra traveling partner asked calmly.

Seeing his companions' hands tighten around their weapons, Captain Lyren's commanding voice rang out, "You were hired to do a job, people, and not bicker, so let's focus on the task at hand."

As they prepared to set off on their journey to the Mountains of Everfrost Weejum relized it was now or never.

"I have a confession to make," Weejum said, clearing his throat.

I once ate a gnome, I KNOW I KNOW! it was him er me... That Gnome was rabid and um. I had to let you all know becuase well, I need to eat. As the rest were all in Gasp!

What's so special about that inquired Fhuzz, as he sharpened his claws on a nearby tree trunk. "I eat Ratongas all the time."

"You'd have a hard time getting me down, Fhuzz." Said the small ratonga by his side, as she sheathed her blades.

Grak opened one of his bags, pulled out a piece of meat from the growing pile since they'd left from Fallen Gate and offered it to it to Weejum. "Here, take this and keep away from my legs you ankle biter."

"Mmm, tasty," said Weejum as he tore into the meat.

"One more bite and I'll be done". Weejum assured his friends.. "WAIT! what is this meat again?" Grak replied "Troll... oh wait Orc,no wait Ogre. Ahh hell it's all the same to me." Want some Darkelf blood to wash it down with? laughing hardaly

Bah! nope still nothing to write about today..

OK Words of wisdom... Don't try to do Unearthing on the first Adventuer Pack if you under level 27 even if you have a full group... Unless you plan on die'n alot.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

More rocks please

A wise person once wrote OK, well it was Aggro that wrote "I have to agree that the weather system could use some work. It would be really cool if weather also had some (even minimal) effect on gameplay (other than causing lag)." In response to yesterdays brief suggestions that the weather in EQ2 needs work.

It hailed like it was the apocalypse here yesterday evening and as I was enjoying 1/4 inch rock size ice pellets hit my house and car it hit me. Well ice hit me 2 of em square in the knuckle and I pondered what Aggro said; what if weather had some sort of gameplay effect? Yeah yeah! I know the plague was a gameplay effect that was a annoyance and was easily cured. Though, I figured that if it could rain and they could implement it to snow/hail.

The game play effect would be as if you were getting pellted by by tiny ice and it would be a mini nuke hit per person and NPC. It would in a since be one more element in the fight that we would have to contend with. If it were snowing and your SV Cold was low then you would have a DOT cold on you that could only be countered by wearing more SVcold gear. I mean EQ1 slightly did it, if you were to jump in a lava pool with enough SVheat it wouldn't take to much damage a tick. Which was somewhat fun to swim in lava and check out SolRo. I figure I'm running around with 20000000SVC I might as well use it right?

This would make much more sense in places like Everfrost and lavastorm to a degree. Though I believe that in Antonica, Commonlands and the other places this would be a welcomed changed during winter time.. Emerstion if you will, to take the boring old quest/grind and throw in outside elements. It's not as if we don't have some elemental effects such as if your swimming in water you don't move as fast you cant breath with out a spell to help offset it. This to me would be best if it were a Live event. See how many people like it, although this would have to start in winter on Norath. If it's to much of annoyance then end it like the plague. Though I think this game play element would be welcomed from the norm of root dot nuke or pull taunt and wack. Yeah I win!....Again

Call me crazy but I'm a gluten for a challenge and pain. A sure thing when it comes to fighting after a while gets boring.. I know I'm repeating myself but, I look at it like this. How would it feel if there was no obstacles to Princess Toadstool and she was just a 1 hour strait run there? I thought so, a lot of replay on that one huh?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Weather changes moods

As the once wise young talented Kurt Kobain said weather changes moods.

That's true last night in Mojave we had from as far as I can remember (2001) the first real Thunder/lightning storm. I was just sitting there in my smoking chair minding my own business and out of the corner of my eye lights were flashing. First I thought damn what's going on with my T.V.? Then I seen it again and again rapidly. I walk out of my overhand and look over my house BOOM! A big flash in the clouds it turned the whole sky white, it gave you that eerie yet calm feeling. It was as if the clouds closed up and you knew what was about to happen. Yeah that's it Rain! It's really a no brainier but, I had a warm feeling inside. It made me quite happy; You see I'm from Washington state originally and sitting here in the desert, these hot drab no rain days get to me.

This leads me to my point.. Weather in EQ2 sux, granted they made it rain in Antonica but its still crappy at best. It fogs up and rains with very little ambient noise and no real life to it. I look up there are no clouds, I walk around no sounds of Thunder, no lighting, no mood changer. Well maybe a little irritated that it's a shitty atemp at a weather system in EQ2... I mean EQlive had a more realistic weather system then EQ2.

EQ2 should put a little more effort to some what making Norath a little more worn. I mean after all the world was torn apart.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


New pictures are up at Silky Venom and a few other places. I have to say it's on the up and up. A lot of these action pictures are impressing me more and more. Though, a lot of the characters have somewhat unrealistic still stances they look as if there is a broom up their ace. However, I will give it the benefit of the doubt and say that since they have not done all of the touch up to the game as it is still Alpha (beta 0).

I am really hoping to see action shots and video more then this still pictures but, we can only wait and ponder as to how this glorified MMO will turn out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Everything new is good for you

Aggro today has great advice in his little blogup and I would like to piggy back off that.

It all started back Oh lets say 1999 when this lowly ole magi decided to start on my adventures in Norath. It was an eventful time, I have said before it took me a week just to chose my Name and Class. Poof there I was in the front quarter of Felwithe as a tall sleek blonde retarded looking HIE. Little did I know the world about me would change, some for the better some for the worse. Thought just like beauty it's all in the eye of the beholder.

The first big change I can remember that effected both the game and How I would be in a raid was Shadows of Luclin. The graphics were to be renewed the gameplay better the world itself a little bit bigger and the Vah Shir were to be a new race. Now don't get me wrong I think Kunark was big too. However, I didn't get to play to much when it was new I just kinda grew up into it likewise with Velious. Anyhow, I liked my Magi even though at times I was very hard for a magi to get groups. Then all of a sudden it was as if the heavens opened and SOE started to listen. Our pets should zone, we should be able to heal them better, we need a self mana regen, we need it so our pets don't do anything if we tell them to, we need our pets to be non-aggro because they would like to pull trains.

There were many posts at the Magician tower about these things for years and nothing was done. From SoL to Planes of Power these things were implemented and many things were taken away. Call of hero was disabled in some zones, to also having a long cast/recast time on them. SoL introduced a sweet mod rod but that was the Magi's bane if you ask me. I was a mana battery for healers and I was at the verge of killing any druid that would ask for one.. They want mana for what? So they can nuke! WTF... All these things played into the big picture. Then POP "nerfed" the rods into what is really how we use the shards today on EQ2 long recast and minimum effect. The effect was astounding to magi's everywhere, we got new nukes to replace it... I was criting for 4K hps and doing what I believe magi's should; Kill shit. Though, this is not to say I wasn't apprehensive to begin with I mean I just spend 10K on the Mod rod spell and knew my place in raids (even though it wasn't fun) SOE fixed it with the mind set that it should be fun and balanced.

I guess what I'm getting at here is all these changes were for the total effect of everyone and everything around us. There are those that solo; they will feel the brunt of this update because these people rarely realize the significance of an ONLINE game. I'm not saying soloing is bad though I will say look at the bigger picture. If you can't see it then group and you may just see what's going down. This is an exciting time in the world of Norath now if they would let me conjure up a full plate and weapon arsenal for my pets we'd be rockin.

I Have played a few characters now from 1 to 20+ and think I have a feel for what every archetype has to deal with. My ranger is 25 now and I think has the hardest time to solo anything Unless you stun run and back CA you will be there forever in most even fights. My guardian (40) could take anything down 2 levels above and still have most HP's left (no challenge). My Conj(25) is somewhat on the in and out he can kill stuff quick but not heroics unless I fight all melee mobs and kite them with my Fir wand. My shaman(26) and wife's Druid(27) have no troubles in just about any situation. I think the heal/nuke melee for my shaman is way to powerful in most cases not in balance with other classes. I have almost no reason to group I can take even heroics by myself I start off killing a few of the casters if they are present. I heal when needed and melee/nuke stuff dead and if I have to kite with my Imbued fir wand. The reaction imbued armor helps a lot and makes it somewhat of a way to easy fight. I have also played a Monk to lvl (28) a Pally to lvl (27) and they are both easy, the Pally is the easiest fighter to play. Everyone can solo stuff easily get loots and xp(double if vit is up) and there is no challenge to what your doing, some have it a lot easier then others mainly priest. It also seems in groups most mob's go down without a fight all except for that damn Rotstuffer Gnoll caster in Antonica.(think Soe forgot to dumb him down)

My saying is "Easy leads to dumb, Dumb leads to boredom, Boredom leads to no cash for Soe" for Short ELDLBLS. I believe this is the real reason most don't play EQ2 anymore it's become been there got the levels went everywhere buhbye. So SoE wants more cash and they are gonna do a good job balancing out this Combat upgrade or they will lose to much. (I know it's a general assumption) One in which I make hoping they make EQ2 harder/funner while balancing it correctly. I mean it's already not a big deal to die in 99% of most cases.

Monday, August 08, 2005

New day Monday

Ok, as of late it's been fairly stressful and trust me when I say if I'm doing real life quests. None are giving good loots. I have been watching news and reading crap entirely to much so it's why my posts seem to be doom and gloom. NO MORE! I will rant on the inside from now on, I read back on what I write and say to myself who the hell cares about this.

Good stuff from now on I hope.

lately My EQ2 lifestyle has been repeat after repeat... My wife and I seem to be making alts so it's been very Groundhoggish; is that a word? Anyhow, we are on the end of our 4th AQ's and let me say. The mages get screwed the most on all these AQ's not by loot but by kills. As a warrior and a shaman I was able to do most easy enough. Casters get screwed from AQ2 and on, though I will I have to say it still is quite fun. I'm hope'n we can get past TS here shortly cause that zone is starting to bug me out it's like a second home and been so since December last year. Not that it's a bad zone.

Guild wise were doing well, we have a few in game fellows that are really cool to have around. We are almost level 9 and it's not really taken to long. .. Well I guess doing the DWB and GLS heritages 8 times in the last few weeks helps but if I have to talk to Hwal one more time I'm not only gonna kill his grandpa again, he's going down too... HEllow THEre wouldn't mind helpin an old dwarf?...Bah yeah I think I would. How many more boots does this guy have to give out; and if it's unlimited is there a Gnomish sweatshop set up somewhere? Freeport perhaps

I'm looking forward to hit the first adventure pack for real this time. I know most say it's crap and or is boring. However, I've yet to see to many who have really gone all the way through it. Those I've talked to that did have some pretty damn good loots, A monk gi to name one. Hard to not look like a druid after 30 if your a monk. We shall see and I'll give my true feedback on this one. I'm still apprehisive about the second AP because of price and Im not very into killing more Gnolls. I'm an avid orc slayer but tis hard to find em when your good.

Also lately I've been thinking about a few things that would make questing very cool well for an Ole Conj. myself. I logged on to my EQlive account after a little over a year, and was itching since I got that email in my box for a free 21 days to replay and walk through old memories. Boy let me tell you it was like your first kiss from a girl. I logged on and was at character select screen; which changed extinsivily from what I truly remember. I was waiting there and looking through my selection of 8 old characters from a level 14 enchanter..(second character ever made for Stein of mogok quest.. Cause damn 100pp was way to much) to my beastlord then AHHHH there he is my good ole toon. Quylein Kookaii sitting there as if nothing ever changed he looked the same as I left him.
Sitting there I got this Idea to show my wife (WHO LOATHES EQlive) the history of the cites and the world itself. I loaded into my home city, guess they changed it to be able to port back to home town with a click of a button. There she was Niola Impholder, next to the Guild master who gave me my newbie robe, the only robe I'll never forget Gossamer robe quest from Crushbone. It took me till around level 20 to get it and had till I got a Crystal robe from CC at around 30.. Jezz I cant believe I remember this shit. Well any how I've started on my quest to show my wife the outdated or as she says "Ugly grafix" world of Norath... I know they have updated and fixed changed and Fudged up EQlive. Though, you figure since they did say back in 2002 after Luclin came out they would update the Guards they would be updated by now. I mean common those tin head Guards in Felwithe are quite stupid now.

To be continued...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

When is enough, enough!?

I wasn't gonna post today cause well there just seems to be a whole lota trash and not much going on in EQ2 or the world. Then I find this FF7, what does the department of Homeland security have to do with a 1997 Video game? I have replayed FF7 three times and you know what I remember? Saving the world from the evil tyrants it's how America was won, terrorist tactics. There would of been no way we would of stood toe to toe with the brit's and that is why we resorted to those tactics. Though the difference of the Revolution and today's Muslim extremist is far different. We wanted no taxation w/o representation(LOL) they want to destroy the western world( just to put it in lamens).

First there was as we all have read GTA... OMG tit's and sex BAN the game now! Now FF7 what next? Barbies cruzin for the GBA because her body isn't realistic and it may cause kids to commit suicide or feel bad about themselves. It seems to me that America is no longer for the people by the people. I for one don't need nor want HLS or FBI or CIA or any other abbreviated Government Program telling me what I can and cant do in the privacy of my own home. That is of course I'm not effecting those around me or breaking a law worth having.
Wait, I play EQ2 so I kill monsters blow up walls and do quests so I'm at risk for going psyco cause we all know Woolley did it. O and if you ever do the Sabatoge Quest in FP or Qeynos isnt that terroristic?

I'm not sure what the hell is going on anymore it seems we all have fell off the deep end running around like a chicken with our head cut off. The Sanity has left America and soon I must leave too. I know we can all shuffle this off to a oh well lets move on but this shit to me is adding up. Soon Home land security will be telling you what to wear, where to work, how to work, what you can watch on TV all in the name of what, security?

You know what it is discipline or lack thereof. The way things are going today you can pretty much do anything and regardless of the rights you may of taken or restrained from someone else. In the eyes of the public your rights should be there for you. If you steal a piece of candy from the store should your parents whoop your ASS or should they just talk to you about it? WHOOP his ass! If you kill someone violently should you get Deathrow or life? Kill his ass as soon as his last appeal is out. If you bomb the WTC or do wacky shit in war and/or are in Gitmo should you get a sentence with rights? Yes, then they should put your ass down by lethal injection (if found guilty).(This is all Genrally speaking) I'm sorry but all this pussy footing around and taking Freedom away from me is starting to piss me the fuck off. If people would open their eyes they would see we are in a state of unrest since 911 and it's being used as a scapegoat to let the Government have full control. We can say Bush this and Bush that but the real problem is the people letting the Government take full control.

Another point I would like to make, why is it we have highway patrolmen? If I am speeding or have an out tail light why do I need a Government law enforcement pull me over and ticket me?It's a waste of tax payers money and it's a waste of time for him and me. Use cameras for that and get local cops for area's of highway for important issues such as kidnappers/construction violations. Cops should be out dealing with big issues they should be doing a job to actually protect and serve. I wonder if you kill a highway patrolmen if they drop any good loot? LOL sorry EQ2 humor. This is just a small example of how we as Americans just sit by and let it happen. I look at it like the SSN, why with so many who say we should have a choice to pay into Social Security didn't say this to begin with. Why did we sit idle by and let the implement such a messed up program? Now we cant get a real job w/o it. We see the tidal wave coming and everyone is sitting on the beach front telling themselves " That wave wont hit my house." All these little things are adding up.

Why are they searching Americans in the subway of NYC? Is it because of safety or is it to tell the people they are safe. No! It's so they can control in small measures. Don't think for a minute all this will not have a future impact. Everything the Government does is written down, measured, and adjusted for the betterment of it's self not the people. If I were to take the subway in NY right now and they wanted to search me I would tell them to fuck off! Like wise why I don't fly right now. Amendment IV states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. As un-PC this may seem I say fucking profile I'm sick of this shit. An 80year old grandma from nowhere USA isn't getting on your fucking plane to commit acts from Final Fantasy 7. However, a 23year old Arab from anywhere in world just might, some more then others. I don't dislike Arabs I don't dislike anyone for any race, religion, or what they wear. Though I've said it before if it was a group full of white red heads that kept getting on plans to blow up and planting road side bombs in Iraq I wouldn't be offended at all if they had me on the list for this shit. This isn't WW2 and we don't have Japanese camps we aren't scrutinizing those Muslims or Arabs with Bullshit but we should be searching the fuck out of them. To be fair those are the people that if need be should get security and/or background checks at airports or in the subway's.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

All is quiet

On the home front. Not much to post but I did get up my Guild forums and we got level 6 in no time. But, I know the rest is gonna be harder and harder to get. I am quit excited about this new adventure and so far it's turning out we are getting people to join that have worth.

Have fun in Norath all, it's time for me to do my finals the next two weeks so It'll be hard to post.