Tuesday, June 28, 2005


All I have to say is it's not what I figured it to be. This movie is what I look for in a movie, not to say my taste is bad. Ok here is why, it's not that the movie was a breakthru or the best story ever. Cellular was something that was like o yeah it's gonna be a boring action flick about a dude on a phone called by a damsel in distress. We all have to admit that rescueing Princess toadstool ruled but the mario movie suck... alright bad anoligy

This movie was funny, action filled and a story that didnt have to many parts that were WTF, what about, or this is really stupid... ok if your over critcal you can say there was no real charcter development. There were a few part where I was like Jessica Alba is stand in charcter that has no point being in the movie but, hey she did make the action scean happen in the end. Their relationship was purly plutonic but hey that's just a part I ignored.

I'm gonna have to say this movie was better then first expected to be.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Something in the shattered lands of Norath is well not only Shattered but is yet to be desired. I remember thinking back to the trails in the Plan of Justice during my EQlive stay, man that was awesome. Not only because it was fun and group centric but hey everyone wanted a mage to kill shit and kill it fast. However, I've been doing Trails in Zek for the SBS, mind you I've had about 40 of these in EQlive and it's nothing of the same not even the same look type it's a round shield though that's a different subject all together.

Trials in Zek are somewhat unwarranted solo, group, solo, group, solo, group..... 5 hour intervals and not even a trail more like a hey go here kill 10 rats but wait in between. The only thing I really want to do this one for is the Heritage/patron points and a decent looking shield I will use. Though, I guess my point here is why does Sony find it fun to wait and have instancing like this? Why can't it be, go in battle your ass off and come out like the POJ trials that was a trail of wit skill and people who had to know WTF they were doing. That and these levels don't seem well rouned meaning if you start it at level 32 and try to go in there and do the 5th solo you will most likely get your ass handed to you. So now not only is it 5hour wait but a few levels you have to wait, to me this makes little to no sense.

I mean this Orc is like "hey I don't trust you here are my trials"... "Oh NOW I trust you here is my 6th trial" Ok if you trust me after the 5th fuck the 6th trial bull shit. Then after you go into a raid like setting of DFS... Which is still to be determined.

Ok I like and love some quests and I know there are a shear amout on them but, that's the point. If you have 1 million quest I'm sure you can find it in your heart to delete the ones that are just not worth doing. I would much rather have 5 quest worth doing and have a great story vs. 100000 quest that are go here kill this go here kill this oh now go here kill this. Immerstion and story driven quest are the ones that I'll remember.

Great example shitty item don't care and I still love the quest... Dark elf mask. Please get away from this spoon fed crap Sony, or you'll lose very quickly.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sill tightening up the graphic on level 3

Ok to play off of what Aggro did yesterday again... Yes I'm quite busy and well I just don't have much to say other then cut and linking and well I just don't like to do that much.

Let me just say I'm having fun in Calc III and Discrete math.. They are both so enlightening, well maybe not so but hey I'm getting my degree after 10years outa high school and that's something I feel good about.

On the EQ2 front - Provistioner 46.... wheph!! Almost there. Armourer 39 WOOHOO got where I want to get and gonna keep going cause lol I'm almost 40 with my main and haven't really tried to level Adventure wise since 31 so I'll need at lest a full set of Fulg gear.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I just finished level 3 and I'm tightening up the graphics.

That is all!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Guild Woe's

So we all know that the guilds have levels, 30 to be precise. I have no idea what they are useful for and the contention as to why we all should get to 30. I put it into perspective last night when we lost 3 levels. I'm was quite Irate that the 2 people with the most points left. Until this morning when I realized who cares I don't need a rug or ghost horse. I don't care if I get a new painting for my room. I don't care if I get anything... well maybe a forge and stove and keg that makes pristine but, that's not a matter.

Why is it we feel these carrots mean anything I don't care if I have gear that is not useful until I see that damn orange turn gray or green. Which leads me to my main point. Why does SOE find is in themselves to remind us we need to do something. How come we can't just do it our way after level 20. I understand we got newb's in EQ2 and some who need a hand holding. But shit, can I please turn off this crap. I believe we all need something to do in this game but can't we do it on our own time can't we just live our virtual lives on our own. I'm not usually one to complain to much but some of this has to go.

Change 1# get rid of gear colors or lest make it optional, hard to play when I feel like I should go raid for uber gear upgrade to a green item that's working just find.

REBUTAL: I know just ignore it but it's hard. Sorry that's just me

Change 2# Make FP and Qeynos a full zone without bells It wouldn't take to much for me to run from Willow Wood to NFP area vs zoning there. Same goes for Freeport.

REBUTAL: Sorry zoning is apart of this game and that is ok but, it has taken a lot away from the town's

Change 3# Make it a must to do the boat ride and make them more fluid and make it scalable to the person level and grp numbers.

REBUTAL: Sorry for all those who are get there and get it done kind of people. Go play console games if you want instant gratification. Or go rent porn either one works

Change 4# Get rid of the math in guild levels the major contention is patrons. Let us use a 3rd xp line and make it active per person to use normal xp for guild level. Can also use the writs and heritages but this crap is a joke.

REBUTAL: I don't think many would contest this but, for those that earned their 30 guild level may. Suck it up shit needs to change

Change 5# Make more zones less instancing. Such as going into the Castle should be contested it was fun the first time but there should be a real zone in there were people can get together and grp and if they want they can instance the zone somewhat but also have a XP instance where people can just go in solo and get groups. Like Access quests they should be for a key sometimes too not just a instance, such as killing the Lord in RoV it should be contested.

REBUTAL: Sorry for all those that want to just get there and get it done that feel like they have to camp here's a wake up. It's boring leave you don't have to CAMP just xp somewhere or find something else to do.

I mean I'm not sayn all of this should be Contested but heritages are to easy as it is and I hear they may make it spawned. This is nice somewhat but, I believe that some stuff should trickle in not gush heritages being one of them.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Aviator


Ok, this movie even with Dicraprio in couldnt make it any worse (mind you I did love the Beach). I can go into it all day about how this psycho Howard Huges was a rich little underdog who was great in making movies and a spruce Goose that flew and was a great achievement of his day but um!.. We all already know this. Ok I didn't know he was sexually abused as a child and they seem to try to reference his abuse to his insanity. Though I highly doubt that he was a smart head strong man... Then again as my wife would put it your always wrong so I just might be.

This Movie made an effort to put a mans life up on the screen and did a poor job. It didn't get good till the Xplane that went down and almost took his life. The floor hearing was a great addition however, it was 5 seconds you probly already seen in the previews. If not just buy the trailer. The music for this was composed quite well and did awesome with the pieces of the day but even so a crap movie is still crap no matter how good it sounds...

I'd say if you have 5$ to rent this give it to a bumb for alcohol it'd be more worth it shit, lest wait till it's on HBO.

Anyways sorry for not posting, not much to say but my guild is in turmoil and my life isn't which is wonderful for a change.

Monday, June 13, 2005

New prebeta VG picts.

Last Fanboy Has the new pictures of Vanguard prebeta.

The jury is still on Michael Jackson's case as I am on how I feel about these pictures. As much as is good with these there is bad. Bad in the sense I'm going to have to see the game first hand to give a good impression on how I think this game is/will be holding up.

For example This Looks as if someone stuck a broomstick up his Hooha and he's tryn to get it out... Looking around thinking Hmm hope no one is watching.

And This One seems as if his arms are lacking muscular detail, along with textures all around.

As far as this One you can see their posture. Now I understand this is PreBeta(alpha) and I also understand they are still pictures. I just dont understand why all these people seem stressed out, overworked, and under paid. Seriously they should have a more fluid look to them yet, all 3 humanoids in this picture tend to be postured as they are about to serve me tea.

The grass as it get closer and closer to the female in the last picture started to look well, you know what I'm going to leave it till I see it in action. I sure do hope we have happier characters in the game, cause if it's all Gloom and Doom Count me out Unless it's dungeony and I get to kill evil. I belive there needs to be a well round of facial features some Mean, Happy, or Serious to start and I do believe they will have this.

Ok, I know there's a little bit of over-critiquing here about these but, all the Fanboi's goo and gaa at the boards and it seems to be a lacking of actual critisism. Mind you I don't post there because I'm not a debater of the boards and I don't want to feel as If I'm trolling. I respect the ideals of this game and think it will be fun. I do sometimes think the graphic look awesome this landscape is very nice.

Though most the people look as if someone just rammed em in the pooper like Here and Here the only person in the second picture here that don't look like they are stiff is the Human running on the right. The charcters look great overall the detail seems ok though there stance is as if you haven't figured it out IMHO somewhat unreal, just bothersome to me.

Rare is Rare

Feysteel, Glimmering Tooth, and other rare's...

It's taken me since 29 to get Feysteel and 2 days for Glimmering Tooth.. I am 37 Guardian BTW. I sat yesterday and finally put forth time to harvest these rare's. Was actually quite fun being jumped from the left and right either by Orc's in Zek or by bears and Bugs in EL. Well I ran around for about 11 hours yesterday and came out with hmmm...9 Rare's my fave is the 2 Feysteel but, I really needed the Tooth I got Glimmering all over and no tooth. The wife took over around 7pm I started around 8am and got a few things. She harvested till O I say 9:30pm and Ding Ding Ding.. yep Got one tooth harvest again got another tooth.... Go to the next Den got 3rd tooth... Kinda cool but sorta a PITA. I waited well over 12 hours to get this tooth to finish a Heritage finally got it and it was to late to do anything with it. Well I'll wait till next weekend I spose.

Friday, June 10, 2005

No where but up

Well being at the bottom you start to realize the little things you may have ignored in the past. Like how nice it is just to have a computer work even if it is 900mhz processor, this being over my usually 2600 and even 1200. I even have a monitor with the red Hugh that dosen't work worth a shit. I mean it takes 5mintues just to warm up to see anything...*and I'm loving it* I feel like when I was 5 and I would get up to my Big Floor Tube TV and had to wait to see Scooby doo. This was a time when you can hear the show... Your waiting and 5 minutes seems like an eternity "damnit Oh!Oh! There Scoobys tail. Anyhow, I got my computer up after 4.5 hours of trial and errors and boy were there errors. As far as work well were here today let just see no where but up, and if I get my new account opened today then it's on the second rung for all I care. See ya at the top.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Home and office

Crap happend that is all!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jewel in the rough

Last night as I watched in awe and boredom of EQ2 when it comes to watching Tradeskills that is, while my wife was playing. She had just reached 30 with her jeweler and as with both my Provisioner and Armorer go at 30 they don't get anything new really well new food and gloves but not much that people buy. Her jeweler got Velium rings and the ability to imbue level 20+ rings.

She sat out the night before to make a few of these rings both of em having good quality's for their levels one for 30+ and 20+ imbued I think she made 5 each the night before. Now she imbued the rings and set them for sale, as with anything before this it's taken a few days to dwindle supply. There is not that big of demand for anything Armor and Food on the Faydark server so it seems, and I'm a cheap seller. Well the wife decided that the rings being sparse on the broker she would get top dollar, and she did with in 4 hours all 10 rings were gone and she was 50gp richer. My mouth gaped open and I was even more upset that I spent the time so far and got scraps for my shit, I guess I need to make it to 50 artisan and see.

Lessen learned if you are to be an artisan be a jeweler you will make cash!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

WR: Birth

This weeks DVD rent is Birth with Nicole Kidman and Cameron Bright.

Let me say Birth was a really slow movie so slow I almost lost interest however, it seems every time I was about to hit my power button to go to bed another racy scene would show up. An almost porn like scene was placed rudimentary to the whole movie though good none the less. The jury is still out on if I like this or dislike this movie but, I would say it's worth a 1$ rent at the local video store. I would get the fast forward button handy cause some part just drag there are two part I remember. First when Nicole sits at the Theater to watch some Classical music fast forward that 10 mintues of her just staring. Second when Bright is told to wait out side while Nicole and Russian from Armageddon want to talk FF that part about 5 minutes of him just looking around. I'm sure there are more but over all I would say the type of story is somewhat intriguing.

The funny thing about this movie was as my wife and I watched the Bathtub scene she had said "I am suprised they didn't cut this out in the made for the American movie." (Little back ground my wife, she is full blooded Italian). The stuff they show in Italy is sexy but not disgusting or twisted and they don't blur out boobies on the Evening news when they are showing a breast exam for women with Breast Cancer like they do here in America, Game shows either. I always see these old short ladies about mid 40's that would scream " OH GOD CALL FCC I SAW ME A PAIR OF TITS ON MY T.V. AND MY LIFE IS RUINED." ok getting off the subject.

When my wife had said what she said I was quit surprised that there was a weirdly mixed review in Venice Italy. So suffice it to say the one thing this movie has going for it is that it's got some really skewed views of the after life and what a grieving women would go through if she found her dead husband alive in a young boy.

Here's how it'd go for me.. Scene-

Reincarnated Wife 10 years old: " I'm your wife."
Me:" What? My dead wife, well your cute but um no grass no ball."
Reincarnated Wife:" but, I'm your wife and I love you."
Me:"Ok prove it."
Reincarnated Wife:"you have a small penis"
Me:"Um that's common Knowledge"
Reincarnated Wife:"Well if you wait till I'm 18 I'll show you I'm your wife"
Me:"Ha! ... OK, come back in 8 years."


Monday, June 06, 2005

Character Heritage

Heritage of a character in the Norath world has been a hard one for me. I love the quests even though I sometimes wish they were harder to obtain I enjoy doing the quest none the less. However, as a player on Everquest live my character seems to be more of who I was and I want that back *somewhat*. I spent over 2 weeks researching what Class to become and I finally chose a Mage named Quylein. I played him 4 years and enjoyed most of the time I was in that world, but as for EQ2 it's been difficult to remake the past.

First I had to get my wife to like the game that was not as hard a venture as first thought out to be. She hated EQ1 but fell in love with EQ2 in a matter of only a week. She loved Tomb Raider as a game (Only game she ever liked) so I made a High elf Guardian Female because that's about as close as you can get. Now as much as I like female characters I am not one to really love playing one. I do love my Guardian and its fun to be in the fight which I didn't’t have a chance to do in EQ1 I miss being a Conjurer and controlling my pets. This is what led me on the path of not having a remake of my 1st character which I really want to do.

In about 5 days time I will have my second account to activate and am going to Create Quylein the mage. Though I have tampered around with the HIE males and think they seem kind of feminine. It’s been difficult to reprise my character from EQlive to EQ2. Let’s hope by the time I get the show on the road Quylein from Qeynos will earn his way in Norath just like Quylein from Felwithe.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Yeah for my server!!! All I had to wait was a week for them to unlock. Ok, I'm not gonna go into it but I'm happy for the simple fact is I'm starting a new account soon and am glad I can just start off as a Happy hopper.

I would like to congratulate Eternal Chaos for their Valiant stride on the Faydark server and for their time to save the Froglok's from the Evil Venekor.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


The other night I was blacksmithing some armor and thought to myself : Self why is that I am doing this? I mean Armor is cheap now, Food is rarely purchased, and Jewelry is not often bought. Yes I have not one, not two but, three characters that are all above lvl 30.. Armorer is 34, Jewel crafter is 30, and provisionser is 43. Now don't get me wrong I didn't do this with out the help of my loving Wife whom has spent the last 2 months day in and day out doing this to make cash, and yes we do make money just not ton's. Though lately it seems that I would be making more if I was just adventuring here and there. I guess the point of all this is to give some insight to those wishing to become a tradeskiller and some pointers on what I know for those that may not.

First know what you will need/use because this is the only real benefit I have seen in tradeskilling. Understand you will be bored and you better have a good program to watch or something to help kill the painfull wait from 30 to 50. I do believe 1 to 20 isn't to bad for any tradeskiller after 30 Vitality is much less of substance. You will be lucky to get 2 to 3 levels a week with Vitality. You need to know that what your about to make is at least benifitial to you, like I wouldn't suggest you be a weapon smith if your a mage. Rarely if ever are you going to make money from that though it's sometimes a good barter. So unless you plan on using these weapons for alt's or a second main then I would suggest woodworker or tailor *this is only a suggestion not gospel*. Maybe someday if EQ2 starts to actually get the big player base back this will change but as of late not a lot of people have been playing.

Tradeskill quests are your friend: Yes get these down especially if you are planning to be an Armor. The real reason behind all this is because at 25 to 30 your in a hole as well as 35 to 40 meaning you dont get anything new to tradeskill. You will make little money on the market So TS quests boost your faction and helps your Tradeskill (TS) Guild on level ups. You are also on your way up the list of contributors, I do like that I'm #2 in my Smithy Guild. Though the best reason for this is you don't have to make pristine all the way quickly getting XP and cash. I made 10 Feyiron chainmail boots in about 10 minutes with the reward of selling back to vendor of about 3gp *this sux. Though if you do the TS quests from say Trushots guild in Willow wood you will receive ruffly 9gp and the xp from combines.
Now you can't make a killing doing this but it's a good short cut to being more productive vs being a counter click whore for 50 levels hoping your full bags will sell in time for your next splurge.

TS TIP #1: Regardless of what it takes to combine if your after xp over cash then Pristine will reward you with extra xp vs crude every time but the sell back vs TS quests isnt worth it. *I didn't know this for a long while*

TS TIP #2: Be what your gonna use, because the market is worse then the NYC Dow Jones it just seems to keep plumeting.

TS TIP #3: Learn to barter with others in the TS guild you will hook yourself up with more gear then you can shake a stick at and for a little be less work then it takes to get cash.

TS TIP #4: Tradeskilling is a way of life if you have a hard time being board it's really not for you. Though if you are a fast typer and enjoy socialism usually other's in the TS Guild area are willing to chat and if not hopefully your in a guild.

TS TIP #5: Above all else I wouldn't suggest TSing without Vitality. You can adventure, quest, or make a lvl 3 and move him to Qeynos/Freeport and make another TSer. You can use the two TSers in between the weeks. Above all if you feel like quitting EQ2 because your bored quit TSing.

The question why am I doing this? I guess it's becuase I'm a gluton for pain and I do get a rush combining imbued Steel and Feysteel items.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Weekly Review

Once a week I will start to entail a people's person view of movie's and DVD's I watch this by no mean is professional. I will not use stars or numbers generally but, it doesn't mean I wont in some.

Are We There Yet and National Treasure

Are We There Yet
was a movie that was fun and enjoyable with at lest 2 gut busting laughs and I say if you have no sense of humor*Read Here to know* then you may not like the physical and whimsical jokes throughout the movie. I would say it has to be the best comical movie released for a while. Ice Cube and the two kid worked really well together, making it even more hilarious even though you did want to whip those kids a lot in the first half the movie. There were the right element about the whole script and the location well that and I'm from Portland/Vancouver area and I enjoy seeing my hometown area on the Little/big (TV) screen.

National Treasure was a great movie for the family both kids and adults alike should enjoy this flick it's action adventure and it feels like it from beginning to end. Though with Disney being at the wheel I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Not that they haven't made timeless classics or anything but I shy away from Disney unless it's a cartoon of sorts.

This movie had me from the being because every one loves a good treasure hunt and if you have that adventuring spirit and love the feeling of finding something that has been lost then this movie will put you at the helm. It's made me want to finally go out and buy a Metal detector that I've wanted since I was a kid. I believe the whole cast did a fine job the script and location it was the right amount of elements to feel embedded into the history of America.

There is only one real complaint about this and it's understandable why they put it in. I know when there is good vs. bad it keeps some glued to the edge of their seat more. Though I felt that the whole Bad guy felt somewhat out of place it took away from the film which could of benefited the extra time to get more involved with the story. Overall this was a fun movie that I would watch again.

If you have the time and the money both these movie's are wonderful DVD's to rent.